Monday, August 6, 2007

My New Car....okay it's a cozy coupe!

We finally found a used cozy coupe car that we could afford! I have always loved this type of ride-on toy. Its been in production for many years. As far as I am concerned, its a classic! I can remember my friend, Kate having one when I was little. We would ride around their back yard (they had a gravel drive way) and since their large backyard sloped, we had the perfect running start to a nice ride that took little effort on our part. I realize that there are battery operated
ride-on cars now and I am not oppossed to Analayne getting a toy of this kind at some point, but there is just something about toys that don't do all the work for you!

Analayne loves the door of the car. She gets in and out of the car and smiles so big! Since its so hot outside (and we just cleaned the wheels with a clorox wipe) we are allowing her to ride it around the house. This morning when she woke up she immediately drove her car from the front door area to the kitchen so that she could get her cup of milk (now thats the life...isn't it?)

Russ's truck is still in the shop. We encountered a major problem that involved the speed sensor. So even with his incredible knowledge, tool collection and master skills he was forced to take it to the dealer. Mostly because the problem is due to the fact that it involves the speedometer cluster and only a few places are equipped to handle something as tricky as dealing with your milage and the sensor that perceives the mileage of the vehicle. Well, the dealer is also been at a loss and they have mis-diagnosed the car twice and have ordered the wrong parts etc. Since we are now entering week 3 of his truck being in their technicians hands they finally gave us a rental car. Now if we had just been able to find Russ his own cozy coupe car (he, he, he...)