Friday, February 1, 2008

When It's Freezing Cold & You Don't Want To Go!

So what are we doing on these very cold days with grey and gloomy skies? Here is a breakdown of our newest favorite activities:

1. We went to the circus last Sunday night. We were pretty sure Analayne would like it but it ended up that she LOVED it and was glued to the performance. She is still talking about everything she saw. It was truly the best circus performance Russ and I have ever attended--- you can't beat Barnum and Baily!

2. While other children are singing songs like Twinkle Twinkle and Where is Thmbkin, Analayne is singing the song, Charleston! Analayne loves this song and if your not familiar with it the first part of the song goes like this, "Charleston, Charleston..made in Carolina.." She sings this song and does not miss a word.

3. We are painting. This is Analayne's newest and most favorite fine motor activity. Within 20 minutes she can paint about 50 pictures. In about an hour and 20 minutes I can clean up the aftermath. Thank goodness for easels and Ajax!

4. We are writing the alphabet. She loves for me to sit down with a marker and her tablet of paper and she dictates which letter for me to write down. After a page of tablet paper begins to get full I ask her to identify certain letters. For example, "where is the letter J?" and she points to the correct letter. Fun and educational-its a win-win for us!

5. We are obcessed with Angelina Ballarina and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I won't elaborate, just know that I know every word to every Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song and I am certain that I know everything about TOOTLES!

6. Two of her favorite books right now are Fancy Nancy and Llamma, Llamma Mad At Momma.

7. Analayne knows her manners (YEAH!!!) However, she says both the "thank you and your welcome part all in one sentence, despite the fact that it might not be her "turn" to be the one saying your welcome! Its cute though... and as a mommy I will take it :)

8. We are washing "dishes." Analayne has mastered the art of pulling a chair up to the kitchen counter to help me "cook" or to "wash" dishes. Washing dishes can be a very helpful activity for both her and for me. I scrub the skink (After all..I am a germ-o-phobic), fill the sink with a little water, give her two or three cups and a few spoons and she plays for a very long time (long enough for me to make dinner!)

9. This morning when Analayne got up she climbed into bed with us and said the following, "I want a Wiggle boat." Russ said, "do you want to watch Wiggle Boat?" (her DVD) and she shook her head and said, "no, I want a Wiggle boat." I then said, "you want a wiggle boat that you can play in?" and she said, "yes." She then proceeded to say (and I quote...) "Daddy get me one." In response to that Russ told her "give me a week and I will get you one." She knew the right person to go to for a boat...literally! The surprise to me is that she had already made her mind up that she wanted to have her own little boat to play in. She is her daddy's girl (mine too!) On the flip side...where are we going to store a "wiggle boat?"

Russ and I are doing fine as well. We are hanging in there until a glimpse of warm sunshine comes our way. January and February feel like really long months to us. More to come very soon!