Friday, June 27, 2008

We Are Preheated & Toasted

It is hot and Analayne and I are spending as much time as possible indoors, or at a pool. By 10:30 am, Analayne and I have already sat on our shady front porch and consumed at least 2 pop-ice popsicles (I bought a box of 700 pop-ice popsicles at Sams). After our consumption, I pretty much beg my daughter to go inside or she takes the opportunity to beg me to go to the pool.

I say its hot but honestly the hottest summer of my life was the summer of 2005. I was pregnant with Analayne and every square inch of me was either swollen or decorated with zebra like stretch marks. I recall waddling from my car to work, sleeping with no covers under a full blast ceiling fan and taking ice-cold showers. Her late summer birth brought some relief, but when you take into account the fact that my 9.7 lb newborn was pretty much either being held, nursing or laying on me, the temperature continued to heat up!

Thanks for walking down memory lane with me, now back to 2008...

The air conditioner went out in my Honda CRV and for about a week we suffered through it until Russ had a day or two off to fix it. We continually arrived at our destinations as hot and sweaty as you can imagine and usually with my daughter sporting some entirely wet hair. My hubby installed a very expensive new air conditioner unit so now its ice-cold. Not as ice cold as my beloved Volvo S-90 we sold when we got the new CRV but its still cold, so I will take it!

Analayne continues to want to go OUTSIDE to ride her scooter or trike or play in the sand. There is just something about sweat and sand (especially sweat and sand without a nice ocean nearby). I on the other hand would like to fill the bathtub up with ice cubes and pretend we are ice-fishing but that might take too much strength and energy and right now I just can't muster it up!

Anyway, if you need to find me or you want to chat, just drive on over. You will know its our house when you see us on the porch. The popsicles are waiting!