Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Play Is A Child's Work!

So what have we been doing the last few weeks you might ask? Well, we have been playing and we have been on the GO!

I joined Bible Study Fellowship and it has been really great. I get to learn about the book of Matthew and Analayne gets to attend the 2-year old class where they do fun Bible based play and activities. Last week when I picked her up she was singing a song and doing some hand motions with it that they must have been singing. I never could figure out what song it was, but I could tell that she was happy and had enjoyed her class. This week when I picked her up she kept saying the words "little baby" and she would clasp her hands together and rock her arms back and fourth. After I read the parents take home sheet from her class I learned that the teaching topic from the morning was, Jesus was born a baby. It all made sense! The BSF children's teachers so good. BSF takes pride in the quality of their adult and children's programs and this is very evident by the way the teachers are always prepared, how they interact with the children and how they go the extra mile and take extra effort to greet each child at the door (sometimes using a little distraction....like a puppet). I cannot stress how great and incredible the last two weeks have been for both Analayne and me!

On Tuesdays our Church's preschool group have been doing some really fun "play mornings." We meet up at the designated location and let the kids play or take part in the planned activity. Thus far we have been to Chuckee Cheese, the park and Sting Ray Reef. Analayne loved the sting ray fish and the fabulous unlimited carousel rides!

We are ready for some cooler fall weather (I am sure you feel somewhat the same). We really enjoy being outside when we are not sweating to death. I plan on not taking for granted any beautiful fall weather we might get. Analayne loves to be pulled around in our wagon. She also had a great time going from one outdoor toy or ride on car to another (giving each toy about a 25 second try). Analayne has also recently discovered that our neighbors have two little girls and she loves to play outside with them. As you can see life is busy but we are both learning so much.

If you ever wonder where we are or what we are doing you can bet that we are either "on the go" or outside playing!