Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Famous Painting

Have I ever mentioned that my child is creative (and silly, and spunky, and full of tenacity--- and that I love this about her?) Well, I do...just sayin!

Last week I picked Analayne up from school and she had painted a picture. The teacher asked her the open ended question, "tell me about your painting" and then wrote her exact reply on the paper. The reply was, "my daddy on a donkey." Why yes... yes of course you painted a picture of daddy riding a donkey. By the way...daddy has never taken a ride on a donkey---but that is beside the point. When I sincerely complimented Analayne on her painting she replied "it was really hard to paint. I did a good job." I replied, I know you did awesome. I bet it was hard to paint. I laugh myself silly every time I look at the picture but I LOVE IT. Daddy loves the picture too and he was so proud that she painted a picture of him. I am saving this picture forever. At our house this picture is famous. The painting is hanging on our magnetic door where everyone can see it and who knows someday as a result of my blog posting it might be famous world-wide right?