Friday, July 13, 2007

Next Time Won't You Sing With Me?

"HIJKLMNOP. Jeepers...Eyyes, Quack..." You thought I had a typo didn't you?

Actually, that is what I hear nearly every morning when I walk into Analayne's room and begin to lift her out of her crib (except the HIJKLMNOP part kinda runs together and sounds more like "ella-nnn-ooooooo-p"). Our first conversation of the day starts out with me saying, "good morning, Analayne. I missed you. Did you sleep well? We are going to have such a fun day today." I can barely get those words out of my mouth before she immediately tucks her little hands up under her arm-pits and within 20 seconds we have sung the alphabet song, followed quickly by her new favorite, jeepers-creepers-where'd you get those peepers, and then our concert is wrapped up with the song cock-a-doodle-doo by the Wiggles (in which Analayne has physically had her hands tucked into her armpits waiting for the quack-quack part the entire time we sang the other mandated and necessary songs). It is a riot and I love every minute of it. It has become our morning ritual this week. I am not sure how long we must sing these songs in this particular order but its so cute---so I don't mind to accompany her!