Tuesday, July 10, 2007

So what have we been doing? I have been meaning to post since July 5th but we have been so busy. This week Analayne is going to Vacation Bible School. Our mornings are filled with hurrying to get ready, shoveling breakfast in our mouths and dashing off to the church for drop off (well--not dashing--actually sitting in loads of traffic). When we get home we hurry to get some lunch ready and then we read books in preparation for Analayne's afternoon nap!

Analayne's favorite things to do right now are sing and read books. Let me indulge you with the details of her favorites. The four main books that I can think of are: Llama Llama Red Pajama, Goodnight Moon, Wheels on the Bus, and Chicka Chicka ABC. In particular, she loves Llama Llama Red Pajama, which we read at least 6 times a day! Her song list is made up of the following: Jesus Loves Me, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus, Ol McDonald, Hot Potato, Cock-a-Doodle Doo (wiggles song), Hokey Pokey, and last but not least her new favorite, Jeepers-Creepers-Where'd You Get Those Peepers!

Other than singing and reading, Analayne finds great enjoyment in wearing my shoes and she is more than willing to wear anyone else's shoes too! She has always loved the feeling of being "big." From day one she felt the need to show me who made the agenda for the day! For instance, why would she be content sitting in her a stroller travel system, eating a little snack so mommy could look at something in a store when she could open her great big mouth and cry a great big loud sound for a great big long time. Now that she is older why would she be content strapped into a contraption such a stoller or grocery cart when she could be BIG and walk or better yet run alongside (or down the aisle) OR why would she be content letting her mommy make a phone call when she can always manage to talk on the phone better?

I always love it when Analayne does something that teaches me something too! It dawned on me that we as adults are a little like this too. We want to walk and run ahead sometimes in our effort to feel special, important, viewed as if we know something. We decide we need to feel big. We think we have to live up to the standards that our community, world, or possibly family and friends place on us. In our need to feel big we are quick to run to other humans to get these needs fulfilled, instead of running first to our Father God--who has a plan for us---who already knows that we are special. God knows that we are important, He loves us---because He is "BIGS." He is the Biggest! It is only normal for Analayne to demonstrate her abilities to be Big. However, as Analayne grows older I want to teach her and show her that God is Bigs. He made her and He sets the standard.